Thursday, July 15, 2010

Because I am still lazy

I am just sitting down to write. I am awake and it is 3:38 am and that is not good. I should be in bed. Why does my body do this to me?

My wonderful sweet loving husband can go to bed at 11pm every night, and when his head hits the pillow, he is out like Ellen.

I have never been like that. I have to sit in the bed, all covered up, and read until I can't keep my eyes open. There have been many times that I have fallen asleep with the book in my hand. Hubby usually finds me with the book in my hand, but sometimes I drop it on the floor as a reminder to turn off the lamp. It has proven to be very effective.

I know that right now, people on the west coast are in their beds asleep. People in Hawaii are watching the news before bed. People in Alaska are bitching because it's already dawn. I'm betting that people in Japan are on their way to Karaoke!

Those crazy Karaoke people. I will never understand the whole concept of getting up in front of people and singing off key and thinking they will like it! Come on! There's a reason Brittany lip syncs, people. Why do you go up there and sing songs you obviously don't know? Your timing is off, and you are slightly off key.

Or, if you are really super bad, you have practiced in the car by singing along to the radio, and all you do on stage is harmonize with a voice that isn't there.

Is this really the kind of attention that you crave? Those people applauding, yeah, they're clapping because you STOPPED. You suck at singing.

This is why I do all of my singing in the privacy of my own home/car. I think I can sing, but I know that I'm probably just as bad, if not worse than the people who are being laughed at in the bar. And I am not half as bad as the kid that screams Linkin Park.

Ok, I have to go now. The zombie aliens are here to get me again. They like to stick worms in my head that sing "Bad Romance" by Lady GaGa (WTF her name is a baby sound) all fucking day and night. Ugh, please give them a vuvuzela!

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